Exigen actively seeks to maximise the value creation and sustainability of business and society. A strong team-based start-up culture combined with robust methodologies and high value design intellectual property has allowed Exigen to (solve problems where others couldn’t).

Knowledge exists in a complex universe. The object of inquiry can at times be abstracted to simplicity. However, usually discovery within systemic design is subject to the obfuscating characteristics of complexity. This is often understood as a function of the limits of the human mind.

The knowledge Problem

In the early 20th century, the enlightenment project of action built on knowing crystalized as the Knowledge Problem. Popper, von Mises, and Hayek sought to understand how non-trivial human action could be effective and ethical. Schumpeter recognized the value and disruptive power of action informed by new knowledge in his conception of creative destruction. All opportunity is located in the Knowledge Problem. In practical terms value lies in a closer understanding of constraint.

The Knowledge Problem and opportunity can be understood to have a number of dimensions. Ludwig Lachmann’s concept of Radical Uncertainty is temporal and existential.  Human agency only exists in an acting relationship to a future that is probabilistically radically uncertain. This is the basis for Taleb’s Black Swans.  Simply, history is absolutely no predictor of future performance.  There are exogenous factors beyond knowing. Yet the human agent continues to exist and act. Von Mises and Hayek demonstrated all knowledge available to humans is locationally specific. Even the ‘laws of physics’ have their specific value where they apply, and therefore their implications are not knowable independent of location.


Exigen was founded in January 2013 in order to commercialise a theoretically robust premise that design choice cannot be perfect, it can however be very much better.

Through the acquisition of Systems Reality (a specialised systems integrator in the manufacturing and mining sectors for over 27 years) and its associated design intellectual property, Exigen had the foundation to radically enhance productivity and reduce risk in the core value chains of corporations with complex operating systems.

By utilising the intellectually robust methodology of Design by Rationalised Constraint© in combination with a specialised engineering approach informed by simulation to within trivial tolerance of reality, Exigen has been able to provide results vastly superior in both new design and system improvement.